We help businesses to stay up-to-speed with a changing world

Valore D promotes diversity, equity and inclusion within companies

Diversity, equity and inclusion are issues that are increasingly important in corporate culture and in society. Valore D is committed to channelling these topics to foster a sustainable work environment within companies and to generate a positive change in Italy. 

Thanks to its mission and scientific approach, Valore D acts across various areas to encourage dialogue and engagement with the organizations involved, leveraging the support of an extensive network of partners

Primo piano degli occhi di una donna matura.​

Vision e mission

Valore D’s mission: to promote and leverage diversity within companies

Valore D facilitates collaboration and dialogue between member companies to develop inclusive and equitable organizational models. 

In which areas does Valore D work to promote inclusivity within businesses?

Areas of intervention

From gender equality to sustainability, and from the generation gap to the inclusion of people with disabilities, Valore D operates in all of the fields in which it is important to establish a constructive dialogue.

Primo piano di una donna e un uomo di background culturali diversi che sorridono.

How does Valore D work to disseminate the principles of inclusion within companies?

Valore D’s scientific approach

In all of the activities that it implements, Valore D adopts a scientific approach based on studies, models and indicators that enable accurate research, monitoring and measuring operations.
Primo piano di una donna e un uomo che guardano a dati e ricerche mentre lavorano insieme all’interno di un ufficio.

Contamination as a value

One of the main advantages offered by the Valore D’s network is the focus on engagement, sharing and exchange between member companies. Dialogue is always the engine of change.

Gruppo di persone di background diversi che partecipa a una riunione di lavoro, confrontandosi e lavorando insieme.


Valore D’s partners: together we can go far

In promoting the dissemination of a new sensibility on the issues of diversity, equity and inclusion,
Valore D collaborates with an extensive network of partners to put together a veritable ecosystem.