Since 2009, Valore D has been promoting diversity, equity and inclusion
The story of Valore D: past, present and future
Valore D is the leading association of companies in Italy which, since 2009, has been promoting gender equality and a culture of inclusivity, both within organizations and in the country as a whole. Its network is continually growing, with engagement and sharing playing key roles in it.
The story of Valore D began thanks to the female managers of 12 virtuous companies and to their shared project to highlight the benefits of having women in senior corporate roles.
Over the years, the association has expanded its field of action – originally focused on gender issues – to take in all of the aspects of diversity found in society. In 2015, this commitment found an even higher ideal in the UN agenda for sustainable development, with specific reference to the objectives of gender equality (Goal 5), decent work and economic growth (Goal 8) and reduced inequalities (Goal 10).
Today, Valore D supports companies with activities that are targeted to work on ESG factors, concentrating above all on the “Social” and “Governance” dimensions. It does so by capitalizing on the knowledge it has acquired, making available to its member companies a plethora of models of governance and leadership, as well as best practices on numerous issues, training programmes, consultancy and tangible tools for undertaking a path towards organizational development.
The association also pays a great deal of attention to what is happening in wider society, and for this reason puts its weight behind social innovation projects geared towards the young generation, as well as awareness-raising campaigns that aim to bolster understanding, fostering an inclusive culture even outside the corporate world, for the benefit of the community as a whole.
The results achieved over the past 15 years would not have been possible without the far-sightedness of those who established Valore D in the first place:
Monica Accardo, Alessandra Bellini, Maria Grazia Bizzarri, Maria Elena Cappello, Wanda Cerioli, Roberta Cocco, Rosanna D’antona, Giulia di Tommaso, Paola De Martini, Tamara Driol, Patrizia Fabricatore, Micol Fornaroli, Ludovica Lardera, Sabrina Lucini, Roberta Marracino, Antonella Massari, Maria Meloni, Simonetta Moreschini, Angelica Orlando, Tullia Panconi, Alessandra Perrazzelli, Maria Pierdicchi, Monica Poggio, Sibilla Ricciardi, Barbara Saba, Alessandra Saffiotti, Raffaella Santoro, Daniela Scaramuccia, Simona Scarpaleggia, Alessandra Senici, Caterina Silvestri, Catherine Jaqueline Silvestri, Fides Tosoni, Maria Varsellona, Adele Zagami, Anna Zattoni
From its founding, right through to the present, the association has grown under the chairpersonship of Simona Scarpaleggia (2009-2010), Alessandra Perrazzelli (2010-2013), Claudia Parzani (2013-2016), Sandra Mori (2016-2019), Paola Mascaro (2019-2022), Cristiana Scelza (2022-2025).
The main milestones
- 2009
- 2012
- 2014
- 2015
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
Learn more about who Valore D is
How do we promote change?
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