We help organizations to make the most of diversity

Thanks to Valore D, societal change has become part of corporate life

From the outset, the association has been listening to, picking up on and running with the demands emerging from society, with the objective of aligning companies and accompanying them on a journey of organizational development centred on a plethora of issues: gender equality, care, age, disability, background, gender identity, emotional and sexual orientation, interculturality, leadership, measurement and sustainability.

Every day, Valore D works to encourage the businesses in the network to commit to spreading an inclusive culture even beyond the world of work, for the benefit of the commuity and of Italy as a whole.

Areas of intervention

Over the years, the association’s range of intervention has been expanded
from issues of gender to encompass all of the different aspects of diversity present in society .

Primo piano di una donna e un uomo che camminano nel corridoio di un ufficio confrontandosi su temi lavorativi.

Gender equality

Valore D works to deliver gender equality in society and in the workplace, starting from the combating of stereotypes and prejudices.

Primo piano di una ricercatrice che guarda all’interno di un microscopio.​


Dialogue between individuals with a range of training and professional backgrounds represents a springboard for the growth of people within companies.

Gruppo intergenerazionale di persone che si prende cura a vicenda e dialoga su un divano in un’atmosfera gioiosa e informale


Making the most of parenting and care within the company enables equal opportunities and facilitates growth.

Primo piano di una professionista con disabilità uditiva che comunica attraverso il linguaggio dei segni all’interno di un ufficio.​


Supporting companies to provide knowledge and tools with a view to including and tapping the potential of people with disabilities.

Primo piano di due professioniste di generazioni diverse che lavorano insieme guardando un laptop.​


Inclusion is not limited to any age group, and represents an opportunity for engagement in order to boost individual and collective wellbeing.

Primo piano di una coppia LGBTQIA+ che si guarda e sorride.


Raising awareness on the issues of gender identity and emotional and sexual orientation, for the wellbeing of LGBTQIA+ people at work and in society.

Mosaico di persone di background culturali diversi.​


Understanding cultural differences makes it possible to leverage differences at work and in life.

Primo piano di una professionista che sorride in un ufficio con alle spalle grafici e post-it.


Valore D’s activities promote models of leadership that have what it takes to support a culture of fairness at work.

Primo piano di una professionista durante una riunione che spiega l’andamento di performance aziendali guardando una lavagna con grafici.


Measuring the level of inclusion within the company is important for enhancing the results of the policies in the DEI field..

Primo piano della mano alzata di una professionista, simbolo di stop ai pregiudizi per background culturali diversi in azienda.​

Beyond prejudices

Guaranteeing the effective co-existence of differences means overcoming the prejudices that limit the actions of the community.

Gruppo di persone con background diversi e con disabilità che si confronta all’interno di spazi aziendali.​


The association encourages an approach to business management that is geared towards social sustainability and which aims to tap the latent potential of talent.


Esplora tutte le novità che riguardano i temi legati a diversità, equità e inclusione!



For companies

Valore D offers member companies an array of customizable services that can contribute to the promotion of an inclusive culture in the workplace.

For society

Every day Valore D implements concrete action plans to enhance diversity, promote cultural evolution and support social progress.

Bambina che sperimenta nel laboratorio di scienze.​